College Humor couldn’t resist getting in on the Star Wars: Episode VII action, which is why they brought us the Star Wars Cantina Band Auditions video.
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Produced by Lucasfilm, the fake auditions tape starts off with a performance by Chris Darthtree (Daughtry) hitting falsetto notes but ultimately being dismissed after being frightened by a small, intergalactic creature.
Other artists involved in the video include Ben Folds (BF-1138), Jor Din Sparks, who asks viewers to vote for her by texting “vote” to T-65X and Sugar Ray frontman, Mark McGrath, or Muark Mcccccccccc’Wrath, who tries to make a case for himself as a Tusken Raider, saying that sand people just really, really like the beach, bro, before going berserk and being dismissed.
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Rick Springfield cameos as Rick Forcefield and don’t be surprised to see a little accordion action coming from the king of comedy music, Weird Al’Attacka’Duwacca.
Following the creation of the video, which was released as part of Star Wars Day (May the Fourth, be with you) we wouldn’t’ be surprised to see a new supergroup come out of this. We’ll just have to wait and see.
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