It can be a bore to be dragged around a shopping mall – so why not turn it into an extreme sport?

Introducing DownMall, the crazy off-road biking tour that’s held inside shopping plazas!  Stages are held in different locations around Europe and involve some extreme tracks, as the dude’s on two wheels race down escalators, take on huge drops and make big jumps.

In the video below you can see that massive crowds gathered to watch at the Eastgate centre in Berlin, where the cyclists performed some amazing stunts.

One thing’s for sure, if this kind of event took place in every mall, women would find it a hell of a lot easier to drag along their husband the next time they need a new loofer.

* If you love extreme sports then go to – where there are hundreds of free live web TV stations to choose from, including X-Treme Sports which is dedicated to crazy stuff like this.

For more stories, check out these links:

Read more about DownMall

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