NBC’s live adaptation of the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic The Sound of Music, starring Carrie Underwood as Maria and True Blood‘s  Stephen Moyer as Capt. Von Trapp, was highly anticipated and even endorsed by Julie Andrews, according to E!, but if you go by those watching (and tweeting about) it, the production left much to be desired.

Kathie Lee Gifford, like many others, was very excited for the performance:

Sending @carrieunderwood and the cast of The Sound of Music a huge bouquet of good wishes as they make history tonight# can’t wait!

— Kathie Lee Gifford (@KathieLGifford) December 6, 2013

Once the show started, people felt the tide turning:

My Twitter feed is alive with the sound of music.

— Alex Fitzpatrick (@AlexJamesFitz) December 6, 2013

Then, the backlash started:

moment of silence for the children whose first sound of music experience is this carrie underwood situation

— holly beachey (@dayonthebeachey) December 6, 2013

Comedian Amy Schumer was rooting for the bad guys:

First time I will ever be rooting for the nazis #SoundofMusic

— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) December 6, 2013

While Bitch Media personnel Alyx Vesey called it a “bad idea”:

I’m noticing that there’s no hashtag on the corner of the screen during NBC’s Sound of Music broadcast. I’ll offer one: #badidea

— Alyx Vesey (@ms_vz) December 6, 2013

Schumer thought the worst had come with Nelson Mandela’s passing, but after seeing the performance felt the need to correct herself:

I thought the worst tragedy of the day had already happened #SoundofMusic

— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) December 6, 2013

From the snarky tweets, I gather two things. People don’t particularly like the live Sound of Music. And every-damn-body is watching it.

— Cheryl Rice (@CherylRice) December 6, 2013

Switching between the Sound of Music and Glee … the two worst things on TV at this moment and BOTH are musicals. My heart is crying.

— Eliza Golightly (@ElizaGolightly4) December 6, 2013

It seems the only good thing to come out of the production is this hashtag (referencing the Twitter storm of snark that met SyFy’s Sharknado movie last summer):

I feel like I’ve cheated on Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer #vontrappnado #TheSoundOfMusicLive

— Paul Thomas (@pwt1997) December 6, 2013

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