Buckle up, Star Wars fans. J.J. Abrams is moving things at lightspeed for Star Wars: Episode VII.

Disney, Lucasfilm’s new mothership, has worked hard to keep plot and production details under wraps. Fans have been pining after every morsel of leaked information that they can get their sweaty hands on. But the wait is finally over. Sort of.

Whatever Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger did on St. Patrick’s Day left him feeling frisky at the annual Disney shareholders’ meeting in Portland, Oregon on Tuesday. He confirmed that Abrams Star Wars: Episode VII will be set 30 years after Return of the Jedi and will start filming in London in May.

“There will be some very familiar faces along with a trio of new, young leads,” Iger said.

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Thanks for the blue balls, Bob. This still almost-but-not-quite confirms rumors of Carrie FisherMark Hamill and Harrison Ford’s reprised roles in Episode VII. But at least now you can plan to quit your life and move to London by May. Your manager at GameStop will really appreciate the advanced notice.

In real time, 30 years after Return of the Jedi’s release in 1983 would put us at 2013. That lends itself to the wrinkled faces and imagined saggy ball sacks we’ll see on screen if Fisher, Hamill and Ford actually do reunite for the sequel. No word yet if Han Solo would be a speaking role or if he’ll simply stand around in that awkward earring and furrow his eyebrows.

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