Students of “Society, Science, Survival: Lessons from AMC’s The Walking Dead”, please take your seats as the class review is about to begin. Last week’s course material covered the topic of public health. As many of you can recall, making it to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention was a number one priority for Rick and his group until they found out that the entire globe was infected. That being said, public health is one of the most important things to know about when the zombie apocalypse takes hold.

The seven dimensions of public health, along with ways to help control the spread of infectious diseases and comparisons between the zombie virus and rabies are all covered in course module two. We took a look at the materials to see how well the class would prepare us for when walkers really roam the earth.

Weekly Readings: B+ 

A little on the lengthy side, this week’s required readings gave us everything we’ll need to know about the sphere of public health when you’re trapped in an epidemic of zombie proportions. Now that we know a little more about the subject we’re that much closer to being ready for the day the world ends.

Guest Instructors (cast members): A 

This week the cast took a look at what type of person it takes to survive a zombie takeover alone and the morality of killing things that were once human. Tackling the deeper issues that are a byproduct of undead invasion, physics and astronomy professor Michael Dennin and public health lecturer, Dr. PH Zuzana Bic ask Sasha and Hershel (Sonequa Martin-Green and Scott Wilson) the important questions. 

Visual Materials (photos): C-

The grade stays the same when we compare the extra photos from week one to week two. There isn’t a great deal of photos to begin with and as students we’d like to see a little more behind the scenes action from the show itself. 

Visual materials (video): A 

Again, the extra clips pulled from the show illustrated each concept perfectly, while giving students a quick reminder back to season one. The scenes brought us back to suspenseful moments like when the group first thinks the CDC is empty to that heart-dropping moment when all of the virus research is destroyed.

Quiz: A+

This time around we hit the books a little harder and just like in real school, the effort paid off. Mastering 10 questions about public health meant we walked away with a score of 100 percent; now it’s time to show our parents and put that stellar grade up on the refrigerator.

Overall this week the course earned a B+ in explaining virus invasion. Another bonus to this course is the instructors response to students requests for a certificate once the class is completed. If you’re taking the course and complete all eight quizzes, regardless of the final grade you will receive either a badge or certificate specifically designed for the course upon completion. Now, why couldn’t real college have been this easy?

Why not cram for week three’s quizes with some Classic Horror streaming on American Horrors, free via FilmOn:


Related links:
Walking Dead course week one
Walking Dead and Marilyn Manson: Fans takes to Twitter to shout STFU!
Gotta Watch: Don’t go in the Basement

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