Nazis in New York? Dov Hikind’s over the top scare campaign hits the streets
By Todd Gilchrist A democratic Assemblyman launched an ad campaign promising to rid the United States of all illegal war…
By Todd Gilchrist A democratic Assemblyman launched an ad campaign promising to rid the United States of all illegal war…
by Gabi Chepurny From utter speechless shock to calls to give the award to Leo DiCaprio, social media is up…
by Sarah Crow The solar powered unmanned aircrafts could stay aloft for five years at a time—that’s a lot of…
by Christophe Silvey Dixieland Jazz and the rise of Disco Donnie round out your Bourbon Street fantasies
by Henry T. Casey The star of the VH1 show puts the Rockstar Games franchise in the crosshairs over a…
by Gabi Chepurny The creators of the Walking Dead online course have a new offering this semester on how comic…
by Miss Lydia Just because you didn’t want to see Lena Dunham naked doesn’t mean you won’t want to read…
by Kyle Collins The Second City Saint may have walked out of the Royal Rumble, but Vince McMahon is too…
by David Kano Will Chael Sonnen vs. Wanderlei Silva bad blood created the kind of excitement Mixed Martial Arts fans…
by Miss Lydia The Academy Awards are over --and the funniest Internet memes all involve Ellen's attempt to feed the…
by Christophe Silvey What Rudolf Valnetino's 1925 comeback, The Eagle, can teach us about festering problems in Crimea
by David Kano Cleveland Indians’ John Axford could be in demand at Hollywood Studios for his award picking acumen
by Gabi Chepurny For the uninvited, social media offers the perfect snapshot into the mayhem after the Academy Awards
by Howard Ho The Academy's Best Original Song category is rigged to favor big names like U2 and Pharrell, and…
by Dominic Preston With Russia poised to renew old conflicts over Crimea, we countdown the movies that defined US-Soviet relations
by Gabi Chepurny Jared Leto became known as one of the best sons ever after bringing his mother constance to…
by Henry Casey Crowd at Chicago’s Allstate Arena typically like their boos RAW but it may all be a storyline…
By Gabi Chepurny Celebrities were not immune to Ellen’s commands to head to social media
by Gabi Chepurny The characters from the sketch show tweet their appreciation of the Academy Awards host
by Christophe Silvey Sick of hearing about the same movies for the last 6 months? Here's some relevant, irreverently spun,…