Happy Earth Day, fellow Earth-dwellers. Yes, unlike other holidays, the namesake of which usually allude to their target audience, Earth Day involves every resident of Earth and yes, that means you too.

Earth Day first began in 1970, when 20 million US residents took a break from whatever it was they were up to in the early ’70s to become all eco-conscious and fight for the protection of the environment.

Prior to this, the state of the environment had been a veritable non-issue where politics had been concerned, but after US Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin recruited activist Denis Hayes to organize the first Earth Day teach-in, the US Environmental Protection Agency was established within the year.

Since then, Earth Day has gone from strength to strength, turning environmental efforts and concerns into the household considerations and hot topics they deserve to be.

Odds are, if you occupy planet Earth, you’ll know that the environment is in more than a little trouble, but you may be keen to take this opportunity to get yourself educated and find out how you can make some changes in your day-to-day life. Here are some televisual sources of learning for you, then. And best of all, you can watch them both via online and mobile on Pivot TV via FilmOn.

Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Pivot – April 22nd, 8pm, ET

Plastic Paradise follows documentary maker Angela Sun as she meets with “scientists, researchers, influencers, and volunteers” to investigate the ecological, environmental and personal impacts of the world’s excessive reliance on plastics. No word yet on whether or not Sun recreates Coolio‘s ‘Gangsta’s Paradise’ with a number of endangered species. But probably not. Either way, Plastic Paradise is an eye-opening journey through one of the world’s least-questioned resources. Find out more here.

Uranium Drive-In

Pivot – April 27th, 9pm ET

Taking place in southwestern Colorado, Uranium Drive-In follows the conflicts between an environmental group and a financially unstable population through the inception of a proposed uranium mill. For more information, visit the website here.

If neither of those are doing it for you, Netflix have a perma copy of Al Gore‘s An Inconvenient Truth here to help guilt trip you into making the world a better place.

Watch these documentaries and more on Pivot via FilmOn:

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