Henry Rollins’ latest editorial in LA Weekly offer a rational viewpoint on the Phil Robertson controversy and a bonus suggestion.

Rollins points out that A&E acts in the interest of its advertisers, not its politics. That’s something we already knew.

He also brings attention to the racist things Robertson said, in addition to, of course, the homophobic things. And he drops this nugget of truthiness (thanks, Colbert, for the vernacular):

“Yet the fact that the man and DD have so many passionate fans shows that America is still a largely divided country. The Civil War turned into a cold war, put on a suit and went corporate-judicial. Michele Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow goes long on all this. Duck Dynasty, for some, represents an attitude, a cultural foothold, a line drawn in the sand. Phil Robertson’s statements to GQ are so fiercely defended by the show’s massive fan base and the pundit dipshits because they know their perimeter is tightening and their day has passed. It’s not so much that the South is rising again as that it’s holding its breath and killing off the last few brain cells.”

But the gem of the editorial that bears the most promise is his end-of-column suggestion that someone should make a graphic novel called “Dick Dynasty.” In this slash telling of the story, the mallard hunters would be gay bears. I mean, they’ve already got the beards and the camo. If someone isn’t already working on this, then I don’t believe in the Internet anymore. We’re hoping we get to include this gem in our 2014 roundup of porn parodies.

Hunting, fishing and hanging out in the woods can also be found on The Pursuit Channel on FilmOn:

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