House of Cards, Netflix’s award-winning political series created by Beau Willimon and directed by David Fincher, is finally returning to your TV. The show’s second season features 13 brand new episodes that happen to debut on the most romantic day of the year: Valentine’s Day.

Nice move, Netflix. They picked a day you can’t possibly forget. Whether you’re already tied up for eternity in a sexless marriage, or single and eating shitty soup straight out of the can in Mom’s basement, Netflix has created a Valentine’s Day lineup for you.

If you’re one of the lucky few fellas out there with a great girlfriend, make sure you let her know ahead of time that House of Cards is about to shit all over her Valentine’s Day. It’s the honorable thing to do. Unlike deformed Valentine’s Day bears on the shelves at CVS, House of Cards is free. If she’s the right one, she’ll understand. Then you can really push your luck and suggest a few date nights to binge on Season 1. That’s 13 hours of your lives that you can spend bonding over the diabolical schemes of Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) and his wife, Claire (Robin Wright).

Or if you’re not so lucky, that’s 13 hours your girlfriend will spend talking during the show and telling you what’s wrong with your relationship. It’s a gamble, but it might be worth it.

House of Cards, based on the novel of the same name by Michael Dobbs, earned 14 Emmy nominations this year, and Wright took home a Golden Globe for Best Actress — the first time the award has ever been given to an actor in an online series. House of Cards joins other Netflix series Orange in the New Black, season 4 of Arrested Development, Eli Roth‘s Hemlock Grove and Lilyhammer, starring Steve VanS Zandt (best known for his role as the guitarist in Bruce Springsteen‘s E Street Band.)

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