British billionaire Alki David is continuing his fight against the corruption of California-based judge, Yolanda Orozco. He’s now taken legal action to officially remove her from office by served her with a six-page recall petition.

“Corrupt Yolanda Orozco was unelected to the Superior Court Bench of California presiding over Billions of Dollars in illicit settlement money generated by the Girardi Syndicate”

Judge Yolanda Orozco – unelected “Girardi Judge”

Many high-profile supporters including Republican congressional candidate Joe Collins III – “This lady’s got to go!”

Senatorial Republican Candidate James P Bradley of California

“Get em all out! Our biggest challenge is to replace these corrupt Girardi officials with ethical impartial men and women who are here to serve our communities!”

and activist, politician and lawyer, Ronda Kennedy are all in favor of purging the California Civil Courts.

“It’s time that the People took the Power back into their own hands! Corruption at the State Bar with disgraced head of Bar Joe Dunn and Attorney Tom Girardi out of the way, means the purge can begin!”

David’s petition comes after Judge Orozco ignored the open letter he wrote to her last month. In the letter, he asked her to recuse herself from all activities pertaining to her affiliation with disgraced former lawyer Tom Girardi.

So the businessman posted a video on his Instagram yesterday, in which his associate went to the judge’s court room in Los Angeles Superior Court. The video serves as proof that when he visited her courtroom, he handed the recall petition to her two court clerks. David then let the court clerks know that Judge Orozco had been served.

The Filmon and Swissx owner continued recording the clerks as he asked, and then waited for, them to give him a receipt for serving the judge the recall petition documents. After receiving the receipt, he told the clerks to have a good day and left the court room.

Below is the first page of the recall petition against Judge Orozco, which is also being supported by Judge Recall:

The initial explanation of the recall petition against Judge Orozco is followed by the printed names, signatures and residence addresses of Southern California-based proponents who are showing their support to have her taken out of office.

Official LA County Recall Notice Started at 1:24 PM

David has been leading the petition to have Judge Orozco removed from office because he knows she worked for the L.A.-based law firm, Jones Day at the time that it was embroiled in the Girardi scandal. The businessman also stated in his open letter to the judge that he knows she’s aware that “the Los Angeles Superior Court and Jones Day, amongst others, have been under investigation by the FBI for bribery and corruption of the State Bar and for what has been termed as the Girardi Judges.”

In the letter, David added that his pursuit to have Judge Orozco removed from office has become personal. “As a complex transactions specialist for Jones Day, which you worked for five years, until you became a Superior Court Judge, you should have recused yourself a long time ago, rather than continue to traffick me through the Court system. Your ludicrous attempt to have me made a ward of the court is both criminal of you and deeply disturbing,” he explained.

The entrepreneur concluded the letter by stating : “I have repeatedly tried to communicate with you. I have written a letter to you, which you ignored. You have abused the system of honor and ethics that you are meant to uphold,” which led him to help lead the recall petition against her.

Alki David concluded by saying, “We live in the Great American Republic of the United States. We the people have the power to choose who is judging us.”

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