Who’d have thought it – but Kim Kardashian’s nude selfies have become the subject of a political debate in Great Britain!

Chat show host Piers Morgan was discussing Kim’s various naughty Instagram posts during a TV discussion in London with a British politician called Harriet Harman (who is a fan of the Kardashians despite having previously called for images of women’s breasts to be banned from UK newspapers).

Morgan, always one for a decent bust-up in front of the cameras, asked Harman why she thinks it’s okay for Kim’s titties to be shown all over the net, when other women were being urged to cover up.

He accused Harman of ‘ludicrous hypocrisy.’

Not so, insisted Harman. Photos of Kim’s celebrity clam and lady-boobies are an empowering example of how the Kardashians are “in control of their own agenda.”

So there you have it, Piers. Maybe if you wanna get on in life, it’s time to post some photos of your hairy Brit cock on Twitter!

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