Help: I’m in a lather! Beach crowds driven crazy by shampoo prank
By Ginger Clam Jokers target shower-users in crazy viral video
By Ginger Clam Jokers target shower-users in crazy viral video
By Ginger Clam You don't want to hang around this guy while you're ill
By Ginger Clam Hilarious viral video shows public's reaction to fake humping
By Ginger Clam Meet the sea mammals that make Jaws look cute
By Ginger Clam See hilarious footage of beast chasing dirt rider
By Ginger Clam Adult boss Hirsch reportedly reaches out to dude with world's longest dong
By Ginger Clam Crazy crimper wields dildo in prank video
By Ginger Clam Video shows store worker chasing off crooks with giant blade
By Ginger Clam Old school joker gives beach-goers a nasty surprise
By Ginger Clam Video of bizarre road accident goes viral on the web
By Ginger Clam Incredible footage is huge hit on
By Ginger Clam Joker fools pal into eating super-strength chilli. Head to for more crazy shit
By Ginger Clam Breakfast TV host in Ron Burgundy-style goof
By Ginger Clam The winner of this battle might surprise you!
By Ginger Clam Social media goes crazy for video of frisky sea mammal
By Ginger Clam Hilarious moment when a man is knocked off his feet by boater’s motor
By Ginger Clam How chaos on the highway has become big news on social media
By Ginger Clam Tables are turned on joker in rabbit suit - see crazy video
By Ginger Clam Video prankster upsets his gal by getting male pal to pose in a wig
By Ginger Clam Women pose for spoof follow-up to Ice Bucket Challenge